I’ve been waiting so long to tell you: Beach Read is going to be a film.
Not only that, but it’s going to be an amazing film. Because it’s being written and directed by our very own Yulin Kuang, who also wrote the script for People We Meet On Vacation, which has made me cry every single time I’ve read it.
Yulin is not only one of the top 5 Beach Read stans, but she’s also, I would argue, the world’s foremost Beach Read expert. She’s been preparing for this for a long time. She’s been picking my brain. She’s visited all of the real-life places that inspired Beach Read and also just admitted to me yesterday that she went to my old college and traded some students a free dinner in exchange for playing tour guide for her. She is the best. She’s also a diehard romance lover.
She understands this book better than I do. I’m serious about that. She loves it like you do. (If you don’t love Beach Read, this ain’t about you [niche Zendaya reference]).
Our producer, Karina? Chef’s kiss of a human. Said things to me on my very first call, about what makes a story great, that I think about every single time I sit down to write.
I can’t wait to tell you more about it when there’s time and things to tell, but for now, I’ll leave it at this: Thank you.
For believing in this story from the beginning. For supporting a love story that also features a death cult and a dead dad and a lot of sad, real-life stuff. As many of you already know, I had no plans to try to publish this novel when I first wrote it. It was my escape and my exorcism of my own private griefs and my little pocket of joy all in one. I didn’t now if there was an audience for it, because I didn’t know you yet.
Sorry in advance for the typos. I am too shaky and excited to proofread this right now. I just want to get the news to you as soon as possible.
Thank you all again. So much, all the time.
I feel overwhelmed that you exist.